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13.10.08 | Divers

Food again! Yeah if you don’t like food you won’t like the United States… I went a lot of time in the US, but I have never heard about the cupcakes… I have maybe seen a lot but never realized the importance of it.
This is like a muffin but with a little heaven on the top, let me try to explain that.
As i said it’s a cake like a muffin but with a frosting on the top, you can have different flavors, chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, coffee…. and you can mix it like a chocolate cake with a vanilla frosting… etc…

Big Spaceship, the place where I work is used to order them at Baked in Brooklyn, they are so good!
For the little history, the name "cupcake" come from the fact that it is small cake like the size of a teacup.

Coney Island

11.10.08 | Divers

Coney Island is a peninsula, formerly an island, in the south of Brooklyn. Coney Island is well known for his beach on the Atlantic Ocean and also for his famous amusement park called Astroland. This park opened in 1962 and has a pretty famous ride called the Cyclone.

You can find along the beach different stands where you can play or eat. I finally ate a corn dog, it’s…. surprising. It’s a hot dog (this is how they call our sausage in France) in a cornbread batter and deep fried in hot oil. It’s pretty famous in the US, the bread is sweet like a beignet and the hot dog is salty, that is why it’s surprising.

You can have a better idea of the thing on a super wikipedia description.


The Met

15.09.08 | Divers

The Metropolitan Museum of Art is an art museum located on the eastern edge of Central Park. It has a permanent collection of more than two millions works of art. It is one of the largest art galleries in the world.
The Met was founded in 1870 by a group of American citizens. The founders included businessmen and financiers as well as leading artists and thinkers of the day who wanted to open a museum to bring art and art education to the American people.

You can see the exhibition "Jeff Koons on the roof" until October 26. You can see original modern sculptures of fake balloons make with stainless-steel.


The Gilt

11.09.08 | Divers

We went on Saturday night to the restaurant called "Gilt", it is in midtown Manhattan in the New York Palace Hotel. The place is magic, the courtyard is filled with four illuminated trees. Your arrival is welcomed by the bar, a beautiful changing color bar where I finally took my cosmo!
Everybody is here to make your night perfect. The room of the restaurant is not really big, they used the old style of the building and mixed it with a modern style which make the atmosphere really special.
The chef Christopher Lee makes the food…… AMAZING (the best I ever had actually), the dinner started with an amuse bouche, we immediately understood that the all dinner would be awesome. It was perfect.
The Gilt has over 1400 bottles of wine, the list was like a giant book. You can find cheap wines and also very expensive ones like $11000 the bottle.
Concerning the check, well, let say that it’s not the kind of restaurant we go everyday, but it worth it!


Prospect Park

19.08.08 | Divers

This is a 2,4 km² public park in Brooklyn. The Park was designed by Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux who designed also the mythic Central Park in NYC. You can go there to make some sports, there are a baseball fields, fitness activities and a lot of space to play Volley ball, Freesbie, Bocce ball, Football,…. whatever you want. You can also find the Prospect Park Zoo.
At night you can go and see free concerts.

On the picture you can see the Prospect Park Boathouse.


TV commercial

10.08.08 | Videos

This is a TV Commercial that I used to watch a lot before leaving to NYC. It gave me motivation and made me smile, I was thinking of what was waiting for me. I had the head full of dreams.
I love this commercial, now that I’m here, I can tell that it’s a perfect representation of New York. This is the way I feel, sometimes you can’t really say if you are dreaming or not. For me 6 months was a very long period, but now the weeks are so fast and I really don’t want to be in December to come back


The food

05.08.08 | Divers

It’s time for me to write in English, I am sorry for those who don’t like reading in English but I have to improve my level, and it’s really much easier for me because I don’t need to change my language keyboard.

I want to talk about the food here, New York is a multicultural city, when I take the subway, there is me, the French, there is Indian people, Asian people, Hispanic people, black people,…. Even the majority of the Americans are not from NY.
So you can find a lot of different restaurants, Japanese, Chinese, Indian, Italian, Mexican, French, Thai…you will find everything you want. Concerning the prices, it is usually expensive, life in NY is very expensive, even in the supermarkets, prices are more expensive than in France.

I have always been a fan of the American food, bagels, bacon, pancakes, mapple sirup, the best hamburgers, Cheetos, Beef Jerky, and…… CINNAMON! Americans love cinnamon, they use it for a lot of things. I always try to find food with cinnamon. As you can see on the picture, I found this new ice cream from Ben&Jerry’s (the best brand!), it’s a new one and I have only one thing to say: OH MY GOSH! This is one of the things I’m going to miss.



28.07.08 | Divers, Photos

Vous aurez surement remarqué que Brooklyn n’est souvent pas très bien considéré… et pourtant, comme je l’ai déjà dis, Brooklyn est en passe de devenir le nouveau Manhattan, cela peut peut-être paraitre étonnant ; comment peut-on concurrencer une ville comme Manhattan ? Certes la concurrence ne vient pas des hauts buildings qui caractérisent si bien New York City (bien que certains commencent à être construit dans Brooklyn), mais elle vient surtout des choses à y faire, entre Dumbo et Cobble Hill on a croisé des restaurant tous plus sympa les uns que les autres, design, lounge, original, décalé…. et ils ont l’avantage d’être moins cher (bien que certains restent très chers), des boutiques branchées. Brooklyn est aussi une ville beaucoup plus calme et moins stressante avec beaucoup de parcs et plus d’espace.

Tout ça pour dire que vivre à Brooklyn est un bon compromis, car les loyers sont beaucoup moins chers, que l’on peut être très près de Manhattan et en même temps avoir les avantages d’une ville tranquille avec des quartiers très sympa.

P.S: La photo que j’ai prise en dessous, c’est la vue que j’ai à environ 30 secondes de mon agence, c’est le pont de Brooklyn et Manhattan juste derrière.



19.07.08 | Photos

Juste un petit post pour introduire la rubrique "Photos" que vous pouvez trouver dans le menu de droite, ou en cliquant ici. Vous trouverez une galerie de photos. 


18.07.08 | Divers, Photos

Que fait un New Yorkais pendant le week–end ? C’est la question que j’ai posée à quelques personnes mais ils n’ont pas vraiment su me répondre. En même temps c’est vrai que si l’on nous posait la même question à Paris… je ne saurai pas trop quoi répondre.

Pour l’instant on est plus en mode touriste, nous avons fait plusieurs quartiers de Manhattan, j’ai particulièrement aimé Soho (photo ci-dessous) même si nous n’avons fait qu’une petite partie. Nous sommes allés faire de la barque dans un des lacs de Central Park, je le conseille quand il fait beau temps, on se sent un peu isolé de la foule et on peut bronzer tranquillement (à condition que le pilote fasse attention à ne pas heurter le bord).

Nous avons voulu faire le musée de l’histoire naturelle mais c’était un jour exceptionnel ou il fermait a 3h, a peu près l’heure ou l’on est arrivé. Sinon nous avons fait le World Trade Center Memorial (Je ne le conseille pas aux personnes sensibles comme moi qui ressortent en pleure)

Sinon pour la petite histoire de la semaine, vendredi c’était la sortie de l’iPhone 3G, dimanche nous sommes allés sur la 5ème avenue, il y avait une queue d’au moins 3heures. Il parait qu’aujourd’hui (jeudi) il y avait encore la queue…. incroyable !!